Pediatric dentists are dedicated for the oral health of children starting from infancy through their teen years. Our Pedodontists (child dental care specialists)  have the experience and qualifications to tend to a childs’ teeth, gums, and mouth throughout various staged of childhood of your children.

Children begin to grow baby teeth as early as 6 months of life. By the age of 5-7 years, they start to lose their first set of milk teeth, which are eventually replaced by permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children easily get tooth decay and diseases which leads to lifetime of complications to their oral health.

What are the types of treatments your child requires?

  • Infant oral health examination, which reduces the risk of caries.
  • Preventive dental care including cleaning and fluoride treatments, as well as nutrition and diet recommendations
  • Habit counselling (like thumb sucking, mouth breathing, pacifier use etc)
  • Repair of tooth cavities and defects.
  • Care for dental injuries (fractured tooth, displaced or knocked out teeth etc)

Before & After Treatment